Все закрывается: канада тяжело переживает вторую волну коронавируса


How to unite with an immediate family member who is in Canada temporarily

Who is an immediate family member

An immediate family member is defined as a

  • spouse or 
  • (yours, your spouse’s or your common-law partner’s)
  • dependent child of a dependent child
  • parent or step-parent (yours, your spouse’s or your common-law partner’s)

If you’re travelling to Canada from the US

If you’re travelling from the US to reunite with an immediate family member who is in Canada temporarily, you must provide evidence that your travel is non-discretionary, such as to live with your spouse, common-law partner or family member.

You do not need written authorization from IRCC if travelling to Canada from the US.

If you’re travelling to Canada from a country other than the US

If you’re travelling from a country other than the US, you must have written authorization from IRCC to fly to Canada.

The written authorization is a one-time use authorization confirming that you’re exempt from the travel restrictions. It’s valid only for the period needed to travel.

You should not book a flight to Canada until you get your written authorization.

To board your flight to Canada

You need

  • a valid visitor visa or eTA
  • a valid passport
  • to tell the airline that you’re exempt from the travel restrictions
  • to show an immigration officer that you’re coming for a non-discretionary purpose, such as to live with your spouse, common-law partner or family member
  • to have your health checked by airline officials to confirm that you don’t have symptoms of COVID-19, including a fever, a cough and difficulty breathing

If you want to stay in Canada longer

You must apply online to extend your stay in Canada.

If your study permit is going to expire soon

If you’re a student, you have 3 options:

  1. You may be able to extend your study permit, if you want to continue studying.
  2. You may be eligible to apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP), if you completed your study program.
  3. You can apply to change your status to visitor, if you’re not studying or applying for a PGWP.

You must submit an application for 1 of these options before your study permit expires, or you may need to leave Canada.

COVID-19: Changes to biometrics requirement for in-Canada temporary residence applicants

As a temporary measure, if you’re in Canada and applying to work, study or stay temporarily in Canada, you do not need to give your biometrics. .

If your study permit has expired

If your study permit expires before you apply to extend it, you’ve lost your status as a student in Canada. You may be able to restore your status.

If you’re a visitor who needs a study permit

You can apply online for a study permit if you’re already in Canada as a visitor.

When you apply, you must follow the instructions for applying from outside of Canada. We’ll process your application in the same amount of time as though you’d applied from your home country, outside of Canada.

If we approve your application and send you a port of entry letter of introduction, you need to .

You can’t start studying until you receive your study permit.

Studying in Quebec

The Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI) is extending the validity of Quebec Acceptance Certificates (CAQs) until December 31, 2020 for all certificates expiring between April 30 and December 31, 2020.

If you submit a CAQ that expires between April 30 and December 31, 2020, with your study permit application, your new study permit expiry date will be December 31, 2020, unless your passport expires before this date.

This doesn’t apply if your CAQ expired before April 30, 2020.

You should apply for a CAQ if

  • you never had a CAQ
  • your CAQ expired before April 30, 2020
  • you plan to continue studying after December 31, 2020

Submit proof that you applied for a new CAQ when we ask you to upload your CAQ. If you receive a new CAQ before we’re ready to process your application, you can submit it using our Web form.

Drug and medical device supply monitoring

  • Drug Shortages Canada
  • More information about drug shortages in Canada

The Government of Canada is actively monitoring the novel COVID-19 and its impact on the supply of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, natural health products and medical devices in Canada. We do this through regular contact with:

  • drug, medical device and natural health products manufacturers and importers
  • provincial, territorial and international partners

We are aware that there may be supply disruptions related to COVID-19 and are monitoring the situation closely.

Companies that market prescription drugs for human use in Canada must report anticipated or actual drug shortages on Drug Shortages Canada. We have contacted companies to remind them of this requirement. We have also asked industry stakeholder associations to notify us of any early signals of shortages related to COVID-19. The provinces and territories, healthcare professionals or the public can also report drug and medical device shortage signals.

We will continue to use all available tools to help manage critical national shortages when they happen, and work with partners so that Canadians have access to the medications they need.

Clinical trials and sponsors

  • Clinical trials
  • Drugs and vaccines for COVID-19

Companies and researchers with drugs, medical devices, or natural health products that may be effective in treating or diagnosing COVID-19 are encouraged to contact us to facilitate clinical trials.

Clinical trials are studies to find out whether a drug or medical device is safe and effective for people. We can authorize a clinical trial quickly in urgent situations.

Please contact us at:

  • trials using pharmaceutical drugs: OCT_BEC_Enquiries_Enquetes@hc-sc.gc.ca
  • trials using biologics or radiopharmaceuticals: hc.bgtd.ora.sc@canada.ca
  • trials using natural health products: NHPD-CTA.DEC-DPSN@canada.ca
  • investigational testing of medical devices: hc.meddevices-instrumentsmed.sc@canada.ca

«Эпидемиология остаётся неясной»

Как сообщил в беседе с RT академик РАН, президент Национального медицинского исследовательского центра детской гематологии, онкологии и иммунологии имени Дмитрия Рогачёва Александр Румянцев, пока неизвестно, какова клиническая картина новой версии вируса. Поэтому непонятно, сможет ли мутировавший коронавирус вызвать новое заболевание у перенёсших болезнь или у вакцинированных.

«Эпидемиология этого вируса остаётся неясной. То есть биологические позиции только изучаются во всём мире. Неизвестно, будет ли разновидность этого вируса иметь собственную картину заболевания и будет ли она пересекаться с тем вирусом, который сейчас присутствует у нас», — заявил Румянцев.

По мнению врача-эпидемиолога, первого заместителя председателя комитета по образованию и науке Государственной думы Геннадия Онищенко, коронавирус за прошедший год — с самого начала эпидемии — произвёл уже сотни мутаций.

  • Клиническая картина заболевания новой разновидностью вируса пока не определена
  • Reuters

«Ещё в самом начале, когда коронавирус развивался в Ухани, произошла первая мутация. Штамм остался тем же самым, однако произошла его мутация в сторону повышенной контагиозности, он стал больше заражать. За прошедший год было несколько сотен других мутаций. Научных данных о том, что вирус научился обходить действующие вакцины, на сегодня нет. Границы с Великобританией закрыли, и это оправданно: надо как следует разобраться. А главная задача сейчас — вакцинировать население как можно быстрее, чтобы остановить эпидемию и сократить число возможных мутаций», — заявил в беседе с RT Онищенко. 

Похожего мнения придерживается и заведующий отделом вирусологии им. А.А. Смородинцева Института экспериментальной медицины, профессор и эксперт ВОЗ Лариса Руденко. В беседе с RT она отметила, что в настоящее время известно лишь о повышенной скорости инфицирования новым типом вируса.

Что известно о мутировавшем коронавирусе в Британии:

  •  новый вирус более заразен и распространяется быстрее обнаруженных ранее штаммов.
  •  устойчив ли новый штамм к вакцине — точных данных пока нет, но предполагается, что неусточив.
  • является ли новый штамм смертельнее — точных данных пока нет, но считается, что не является.
  •  новый штамм обнаружен кроме Британии в ЮАР, Австралии, Нидерландах, Дании и Италии.

Что говорят британские и американские медики о прививках
Медицинские эксперты пытались заверить общественность в том, что новый штамм не повлияет на кампанию по вакцинации, которая началась в Великобритании и США в этом месяце.
Одна из причин заключается в том, что вирус должен существенно измениться, чтобы «избежать» нынешней вакцины. Даже если это так, вакцины можно отрегулировать, чтобы не отставать от изменяющих форму патогенов, как в случае с ежегодной прививкой от гриппа.

Главный хирург США Джером Адамс заявил на канале CBS News, что «нет никаких признаков», что новый вариант коронавируса помешает усилиям США по вакцинации.

Экс-глава Роспотребнадзора, академик РАН Геннадий Онищенко:
«Пока данных, что он прорывает действующий иммунитет, нет. Это не первая такая мутация — первая была еще в марте в Китае, когда он стал более контагиозным, мутаций у этого коронавируса было уже несколько сотен», — сказал Онищенко «Интерфаксу».

Роспотребнадзор о новом штамме COVID-19 в Британии:
«Мутации ожидаемы для вирусов, редко влияют на вирусную приспособленность».

Врач и телеведущий Александр Мясников заявил, что бояться нового вида коронавируса, обнаруженного в Великобритании, не стоит.

При этом он отметил, что зараза будет распространяться быстрее своей предыдущей версии, но сила его при этом сократится. Мясников полагает, что вирус уже вырвался за пределы Великобритании, поэтому закрывать ее границы бессмысленно.

Вирусолог, бывший заведующий лабораторией центра «Вектор» Александр Чепурнов:
«У нас он появится, потому что нет барьеров. У нас много людей, которые граждане и Великобритании, и России, у нас много людей, которые будут ездить и ездят туда-обратно. И они наверняка уже его привезли. Ему нужно какое-то время, чтобы накопиться, а потом он рванёт. Значит, будет больше заболевших, больше нагрузки на медиков.
Любой биологический объект, который имеет то или иное преимущество – может, например, размножаться быстрее или обладает большей летучестью, – всегда имеет преимущество и всегда будет замещать исходный штамм. Это обязательное биологическое свойство, и от него никуда не денешься», — рассказал Чепурнов RT.

Профессор Национального исследовательского центра эпидемиологии и микробиологии имени Гамалеи Александр Бутенко о британском коронавирусе:

«Наверное, что-то серьёзное, нужно насторожиться, держать руку на пульсе. Как показала весенняя практика, прекращение или резкое сокращение авиасообщения наряду с другими мерами приводит к хорошему эффекту.  Мутация может достичь такой степени, что уже разработанные вакцины могут не помогать. Ещё точно не известно, насколько широкое распространение получит новый штамм и какова будет тяжесть заболевания», — сообщил Бутенко телеграм-каналу «Подъем».

Руководитель отдела экспериментального моделирования и патогенеза инфекционных заболеваний ФИЦ ФТМ Александр Шестопалов.

«Вирус мутирует всегда, с высокой скоростью. Сейчас выявлен вариант британский, до этого выявлялся датский — однако в целом летальность вызванного им заболевания не меняется, оставаясь в границах 1-3% в зависимости от того, кто как считает», — сообщил он «Интерфаксу».
По его мнению, преждевременно говорить о том, что новый вариант вируса может стать доминирующим, однако изучение SARS-CoV-2 должно продолжаться.

Британские СМИ пишут, что если новый штамм способен «уклоняться» от обычного иммунного ответа, это также может объяснить, почему он распространяется быстрее, поскольку он может затронуть и тех, кто уже переболел коронавирусом.

По данным британских научных отчетов, четверо из примерно 1000 человек, инфицированных новым вариантом коронавируса, ранее были заражены COVID-19.
Идея о том, что вирус Covid-19 может развиться достаточно, чтобы снова заразить людей, несмотря на иммунитет к исходному микробу, не будет полной неожиданностью, говорят медики. Известно, что другие коронавирусы, вызывающие простуду, часто повторно заражают людей.

How to unite with immediate family members who are Canadian citizens, people registered under Canada’s Indian Act or permanent residents

Who is an immediate family member

An immediate family member is defined as a

  • spouse or
  • (yours, your spouse’s or your common-law partner’s)
  • dependent child of a dependent child
  • parent or step-parent (yours, your spouse’s or your common-law partner’s)

What to do to unite with your immediate family member

You do not need a written authorization from us confirming that you’re exempt from the travel restrictions.

However, to board your flight to Canada, you must

  • follow all airline requirements and pass a health check conducted by airline officials to confirm that you don’t have symptoms of COVID-19, including a fever, a cough and difficulty breathing
  • tell the airline that you’re exempt from the travel restrictions
  • make sure you have a valid travel document (visitor visa or electronic travel authorization , if required) and a passport that is valid to come to Canada
  • present proof to show that you’re an immediate family member of a Canadian citizen, person registered under Canada’s Indian Act or Canadian
  • show that you’re eligible to travel at this time
    • You must be able to provide evidence of one of the following:
      • You’ll stay in Canada for 15 days or more.
      • You’re travelling for a non-discretionary purpose.

Documents to use as proof that you’re an immediate family member

You must have 2 types of documents:

  • one that shows your immediate family member’s status as a Canadian citizen, person registered under Canada’s Indian Act or
  • one that shows your relationship to that family member

These documents include

  • a Canadian passport
  • proof of Canadian citizenship, such as a citizenship certificate, citizenship card, or provincial or territorial birth certificate
  • secure certificate of Indian status, certificate of Indian status or temporary confirmation of registration document (TCRD)
  • a Canadian permanent resident card
  • a Canadian permanent resident travel document

Количество заболевших и умерших на сегодня

На 23 декабря 2020 года статистика в Канаде по коронавирусной инфекции выглядит следующим образом:

  • 521509 человек заболело.
  • Выздоровело 431561 больных.
  • Умерло от вируса 14425 заразившихся.

Для сравнения, в России ситуация на сегодня следующая: заболело 2933753 человек, умерло 52465, вылечилось 2343967 заболевших.

ТОП-3 стран-лидеров по количеству заражённых выглядит так:

  1. США – заразилось 18707356 человек, выздоровело 10950028, умерло 331208.
  2. Индия – заразилось 10111256 человек, выздоровело 9674090, умерло 146562.
  3. Бразилия – заразилось 7320020 человек, выздоровело 6354972, умерло 188285.

Research and technology

  • International efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Government of Canada’s Research Response to COVID-19 Report

Canadian researchers are working hard to support international efforts. To slow, and eventually stop, the spread of COVID-19, we need to advance research and technology development.

Research is taking place to enhance our capacity to:

  • test antivirals and other treatments
  • develop vaccines
  • support clinical trials

Research is also underway to quickly detect, manage and reduce the transmission of COVID-19, including:

  • diagnostic testing
  • clinical management
  • transmission dynamics
  • social impacts
  • unintended consequences of physical distancing (such as family violence, mental health impacts, food insecurity)

What you can do

Experts’ understanding of how the Covid-19 works is growing. It seems that there are four factors that most likely play a role: how close you get to an infected person; how long you are near that person; whether that person expels viral droplets on or near you; and how much you touch your face afterwards. Here is a guide to the symptoms of Covid-19.

You can help reduce your risk and do your part to protect others by following some basic steps:

Keep your distance from others. Stay at least six feet away from people outside your household as much as possible.

Wear a mask outside your home. A mask protects others from your germs, and it protects you from infection as well. The more people who wear masks, the more we all stay safer.

Wash your hands often. Anytime you come in contact with a surface outside your home, scrub with soap for at least 20 seconds, rinse and then dry your hands with a clean towel.

Avoid touching your face. The virus can spread when our hands come into contact with the virus, and we touch our nose, mouth or eyes. Try to keep your hands away from your face unless you have just recently washed them.

Here’s a complete guide on how you can prepare for the coronavirus outbreak.

How to request a written authorization from IRCC

If you have a valid visitor visa or an application in progress

Follow the instructions for . We’ll assess your reasons for travel and make a decision on your written authorization.

Remember to submit evidence to show you’re eligible to travel at this time.

If you need a visitor visa but haven’t applied for one yet

Follow the instructions for . We’ll assess your reasons for travel and make a decision on your visitor visa and your written authorization at the same time.

Remember to submit evidence to show you’re eligible to travel at this time.

If you have an eTA or need one to travel

If you have an eTA, or you’re applying for one, you also need to contact us through our Web form to tell us how you meet the . We’ll assess your reasons for travel and make a decision on your eTA, if you don’t have one yet, and your written authorization.

Find more instructions for eTA applicants.

Remember to submit evidence to show you’re eligible to travel at this time.

If you don’t need a visitor visa or eTA (for example, US citizen)

If you don’t need a visitor visa or eTA to travel to Canada, you still need a written authorization if you’re coming to unite with an

  • extended family member
  • immediate family member who is in Canada temporarily if you’re travelling from any country other than the US

Note: If you’re coming from the US to unite with an immediate family member who is in Canada temporarily you do not need written authorization.

Make sure you include

  • your full name
  • your date of birth
  • your passport number
  • a detailed reason for travel
  • the dates you plan to travel
  • where you live now (current country of residence)
  • your supporting documents to show you’re eligible to travel to Canada at this time

We’ll contact you within 14 business days of getting your complete request. If your request is missing required information, it may take us longer to respond.

Where You Can Find More Information

Read more about the push to keep schools open during a second lockdown in Canada and the restrictions it involves in the country’s two most populous provinces. Canada has been warning Americans not to sneak across the closed border. Some say a doctor in Atlantic Canada was unfairly scapegoated after making a trip outside of the region which nurses who commute from Ontario to work in Detroit hospitals.One Quebec retirement home had 31 residents who were found dead. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who found himself in isolation at home after his wife tested positive for the virus, was forced to backtrack on one of his more controversial measures for asylum seekers.

Here is where you can find more detailed information:

The Public Health Agency of Canada pulls together data from provinces along with general guidelines and health advice for Canadians.

The government of Canada also provides links to information on for workers and businesses affected by the pandemic and the shutdown. The government-run Wellness Together Canada offers online support for people suffering from mental health and substance abuse issues.

Restrictions, health care and other economic support programs vary by province. Here are the key sources of information: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec (English), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador. Indigenous Services Canada is providing special support for Indigneous communities.

How Cases Are Growing

Here’s how the number of new cases and deaths are changing over time:

New reported cases by day




8,000 cases












New cases

7-day average

Note: The seven-day average is the average of a day and the previous six days of data.

New reported deaths by day


200 deaths












New deaths

7-day average

Note: Scale for deaths chart is adjusted from cases chart to display trend.

The New York Times has found that official tallies in the United States and in more than a dozen other countries have undercounted deaths during the coronavirus outbreak because of limited testing availability.

How financial benefits affect family sponsorship

Public education

Awareness resources

Public education plays a critical role in our response to COVID-19 by providing timely, accessible and evidence-informed information that:

  • increases awareness and understanding of the disease
  • explains prevention and what to do if you develop symptoms
  • addresses misinformation

We have developed printable resources in many languages, on topics such as handwashing, making a mask, and how to isolate, so that Canadians can better understand and take steps to protect themselves and their families.

We have launched a national public education campaign that provides Canadians with evidence-based information on COVID-19, and encourages behaviours that protect individuals and our communities. This campaign includes:

  • advertising
  • partnerships
  • social marketing
  • social media posts
  • information resources
  • targeted outreach to at-risk populations

How your post-graduation work permit (PGWP) eligibility is affected

If you’re eligible for the post-graduation work permit program, you’ll still be able to get a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) if

  • your in-person classes in Canada have been moved to an online-only format and you had to begin or will continue your classes online because of COVID-19, or
  • you had to put your studies on hold or study part-time during the winter, spring or summer 2020 semesters because of COVID-19

If you’re outside of Canada

You’re still eligible for a PGWP if you can’t travel to Canada at this time and

  • you have a study permit
  • you’ve been approved for a study permit
  • you applied for a study permit before starting your study program in the spring, summer or fall 2020 semester, or
  • you will apply for a study permit before starting your study program in the January 2021 semester

If you’re in this situation, you can begin your classes while outside Canada.

If you applied for your study permit before starting your program

Any time spent studying online from outside Canada since spring 2020 now counts toward the length of a PGWP. (Before, only the time spent studying online after you were approved for a study permit counted.)

You won’t have time deducted from the length of your PGWP for studies you complete outside Canada until April 30, 2021.

How much of your program you can complete online

How much of your program you can complete online depends on when you started studying and how long your study program is.

  1. You’re taking a short-term program that started between May and September 2020

    You can complete 100% of your program online. Your program must be between 8 and 12 months long, and you must have started your studies between May and September 2020.

    If you’re studying in a Quebec vocational program, your program must be between 900 and 1,348 hours.

  2. You’re taking a program that is 12 months or longer, or you started a short-term program before May 2020

    You can complete up to 50% of your program online (until April 30, 2021). You must complete the other 50% of your program in Canada.

  3. You’re completing 2 study programs

    You can complete up to 50% of your total studies online (until April 30, 2021). To be able to do this

    • you must complete both study programs from an eligible DLI within 2 years
    • one of the programs must have started between May and September 2020, and
    • each program must meet all PGWP eligibility requirements and be at least 8 months long

    You must complete at least 50% of the combined length of the 2 programs in Canada.

    If you’re studying in a Quebec vocational program

    • a diploma (DVS program) must be at least 900 hours long
    • an attestation of vocational studies (AVS) can be less than 900 hours if it’s combined with a DVS
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